Finished AI Summer School 2020!
Just wanted to share the great news that I have recently finished an exciting AI Summer School organized by AI Singapore. Over five days, we have been introduced to the fundamentals of Gaussian Learning as well as more advanced concepts as Transformer models, performance monitoring, and Deep Generative models. The program included lectures, tutorials, hands-on sessions, panel discussions, industry talks, poster sessions, online social events, and many other exciting programs.
Moreover, I have participated in the workshop that provided an interactive avenue to learn about Reinforcement Learning (RL). Moreover, it was followed by the Diner Dash challenge where we were tasked to implement RL algorithms. Diner Dash is a game where a single waiter makes complex decisions on customer seating arrangements, taking orders, serving food, and many others. In small groups, we tested our RL baselines and competed for the highest score in the Diner Dash simulator. During this challenge, I have implemented PPO, ACER, and ACKTR baselines. Due to the nature of the environment (very high dimensional action space), ACER has shown the best performance.
I would like to say thanks for AI Singapore and organizing committee for such a great summer school! Looking forward to participate in future events!